UAWC Opens a Park for the Bedouin Communities in the Eastern Sawahra Hills

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UAWC Opens a Park for the Bedouin Communities in the Eastern Sawahra Hills

The Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) opened a park in the Eastern Hills of AlSawahra in the Governance of Jerusalem with SULALAH project. The Project is funded by the European Union (EU) as part of the Food Security Program in the occupied Palestinian territory. It is implemented by UAWC in partnership with Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (GVC), the Palestinian Hydrology Group for Water and Environmental Resources Development (PHG), Qatar Charity, LaoreSardegna, Jericho’s Cooperative Association for Livestock Production and Altamerh’s Cooperative Association for Livestock Development.


The activity aims to revive the internal tourism and direct it to the rural areas especially area C to support the Palestinians living there.

UAWC’s General Director Khalid Hidmi emphasized in his speech on UAWC’s objective is to implement developmental projects in rural areas to strengthen the resilience on the land.


The representative of the Jerusalem’s Agricultural department Ahmad Lafi highlighted the fact that the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture supports the projects in area C, as stated in its strategy. Lafi also pointed that SULALAH project acts as a communication bridge between rural area C and area A and B.

The director of AlSawahra’s Council Younis Jafar demanded the Palestinian government to direct greater support to the area of Sawahrah which is the only region connecting with the city of Jerusalem. Jafar pointed at the needs of the inhabitants that include: rehabilitation of the road, educational support, women empowerment and the establishment of a health center, noting that these projects are the way to support the steadfastness of the citizens in the land.

From his part, the member in the gathered Bedouin communities committee in Jerusalem Muhammad Alkurshan stressed on the Bedouin communities need for developmental projects and relief.