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UAWC concluded the first year of Juthoor project

Ramallah- the Union of Agricultural Work committees concluded the first year of the ” Juthoor: Land, Water, and Human Resource Development in vulnerable areas of the West Bank “which is being implemented in 20 sites stretching from the south-east of Bethlehem to the north of Hebron in the areas idified as “C“.

The UAWC in the first year of the project reclaimed 610 dunums, in addition to the establishment of 44 agricultural wells, construction and rehabilitation of 24 kilometers of agricultural roads, while the UAWC still working on the development of a pastoral with a space 1000 dunums near Tekoa’ village in the governorate of Bethlehem and the establishment of 12 water tank.

The UAWC pointed out that the number of beneficiaries has reached to 450 person in Surif, Beit Fajjar, Nahaleen, Tqoua’, Al-Khader, Beit Iskaria, in the governorate of Bettelheim in addition to 8 cooperatives who were benefited from training and building capacities programs.

The project is implemented by the UAWC in partnership with the land Research Center and the Palestinian Hydrology Group and the Bisan center for Research and Development and is funded by the European Union, the project aims to promote sustainable livelihoods for farmers in marginalized areas, by enhancing their ability to access their natural resources (land, water, and human resources).

The project includes the reclamation of 1,200 dunums of agricultural land, the establishment of a pastoral with a space of ​​1,000 dunums, the rehabilitation of 70 kilometers of agricultural roads, and providing 25,000 cups of water through the establishment of wells and pools in vulnerable areas, as well as building the farmers’ capacities in the best agricultural practices

It is important to note that the UAWC will begin the second phase of the project, where it aimed to complete its activities in the fields of land development, water improvement, roads reclamation, and capacity buildings