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Statement issued by the Union of Agricultural Work Committees

As a continuation of the process of targeting the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, and the targeting of Palestinian farmers in all the occupied Palestinian territories, especially farmers in the Jordan Valley area, and the policy of targeting farmers and fishermen in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation authorities issued a notification to the farmers Ashraf Ibrahim Sawafta and riyad Saleh Sawafta to halt work on the metal pools that are under construction by  UAWC   And which was intended to be ponds for fish farming.

This project carried out by the Union of Agricultural Work Committees in cooperation in partnership with the Spanish Foundation “Fundeso” and funded by the Spanish International Cooperation, within the project titled “Strengthening the principle of food sovereignty to the residents of the Jordan Valley and improve their access to resources.”

during a visit carried out by the Union of Agricultural Work Committees to the village of Bardala, in Jordan Valley, a beneficiary of the project, The farmer Ryiad Sawafta said: The Civil Administration handed me a notice to remove the metal pool until the date of 20.02.2013”
In turn, the farmer Sawafta confirmed that  “the occupation authorities demolished since early this year in the Jordan Valley area, five sheep hangars, and confiscation of Tractors and agricultural water tanks, in addition to the notices for demolition of houses, adding that the occupation forces narrowing them down daily, preventing farmers from having access to  their agricultural land after sun set, in addition to that Palestinian farmers are under continuous harassment from the Israeli military occupation forces at the military checkpoints during the transportation of the agricultural products   ”.

The Union of Agricultural Work Committees invite all farmers all over the world, to stand by Palestinian farmers in their struggle for a decent life, and calls for all local and international forces, institutions and, peace-loving and justice organizations in this world for their Solidarity with the Union and its agricultural committees to stop systematic breach of the principles of human rights perpetrated by the Israeli occupation authorities in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Your solidarity with us has a big impact on our steadfastness, in addition to its impact on stopping the Israeli aggression on our farmers.

Union of Agricultural Work Committees

