Categories News

Site Visit / Reference: 10-2021

Date: 10/6/2021

To: whom is

From: Union of
Agricultural Work Committees


Subject: Site Visit / Reference: 10-2021


Dear bidders,

The Union of
Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) in partnership with
Fundación Delegación en España, and within the project “Strengthening capacities in water management
in Yusuf, Qira, Marda (West Bank, Palestine)”, which is
funded by The
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation,
would like to conduct a site visit concerning ‘rehabilitate
Qira’s water tank in Salfit governorate’ tender.


The site visit
will  take place on Sunday, 13th
of June 2021 at 10:30 AM.


Kindly note that the site
visit minutes will be provided to all participating bidders (those who bought
or will buy the tender documents).
The minutes is considered a biding document and an integral part
of Tender Reference 10-2021.


Yours sincerely,